Clubs & Academic Teams

Our before and after school clubs provide our students with valuable opportunities to extend their education. Below is a list of clubs and academic teams available at Atkins Academic and Technology High School. Some of them compete and go to competitions. You can see some of the awards they've won by viewing the links to the left.
The start of the school year is a great time to learn about teams and clubs and get involved. If you have a question about our program in general, or are not sure who to ask, feel free to contact our Scholastic Director.
Students and staff, all clubs must have a representative on the Advisory Council, which will meet again this fall.
Click on each of the links below to learn more about each club or team. In addition, the Teams and Clubs, Coaches and Advisors link shows a listing that includes Contact Information and Meeting times:
3D Modeling and Game Design
Animal Activists
Alternative Fuels Club* (TBD)
Atkins Black Collective
Atkins Buddies
Atkins Creative Collective
Atkins Culture Club
Battle of the Books
Colorguard (JROTC)*
Crochet Club
Disc Golf Club
Drill Team (JROTC)*
Environmental Club
Fellowship of Christian Athletes
Fellowship of the Game
Filmmakers Club
FIRST Robotics
Flute Choir
French National Honor Society
Geography Club
Girls Who Code
Health Occupations Student Association*
Junior Leadership Academic Bowl (Academic Team - JROTC)*
Junior Leadership Academic Bowl (Leadership Team - JROTC)*
Latinos Unidos+
Math Team*
Model UN
Music Outreach Club
National Art Honor Society
National Honor Society
Raider Team (JROTC)*
Red Cross Club
Rifle Team (JROTC)*
Science National Honor Society
Space Club
Teen Democrats
Upward Bound
Volleyball Club
*Eligible for Varsity Letter