The Quill

The Quill is an on-demand writing competition sponsored by NCASA in the fall of the year. Each team has four students who each write to a different prompt, three of which are "AP"-style prompts: Argument, Problem Solution, and Literary Analysis. A fourth prompt is Creative Writing. 

Coach Plaster actively recruits mainly AP students for the first three prompts, although sometimes there is a JV level of the competition. A school-wide tryout is held for the Creative Writing spot, and students can try out by submitting a writing portfolio.

Atkins teams regularly finish in the top handful of schools in the state, and won the Region last year. At the state level, Bri Thompson won her Argument category and was crowned an individual state champion. 

Atkins has had several individual champions through the years, and has even won the state contest.

the quill team members with the teacher, smiling at the camera