The Atkins HS Prom is just under 2 months away and it's never too early to prepare! Prom will take place on March 22, 2025, at the Millennium Center here in Winston-Salem.
Tickets for prom will open on February 24 and end on March 17 at a price of $45 per ticket. From March 17 to March 20 if you missed the first ticket release you can get them for $60, but there will be a maximum of 500 tickets sold.
A single person can only buy one ticket so if you have a date be sure to work together to get those tickets and get them fast! To get into prom you must either have a school or state (Drivers License) ID. Tickets can only be bought by juniors or seniors, but underclassmen can be brought as guests. You can also invite a guest from another school (form needed). However, only one guest can be brought!
There is also prom royalty where one male and female senior can be crowned as king and queen respectively and one male and female junior can be crowned prince and princess respectively. Applications for royalty can be found from Mrs. Isaksson and forms must be turned into Mrs. Underwood by March 7. Voting for royalty will take place during prom from 8:00-10:00 and winners will be announced at 10:30.
Prom is a big event for students as most only get two chances to go, there is no reason to delay preparations for prom so start thinking about it!