Countdown to K

Will your child come to Kindergarten in August? This information is for you!

#CountdowntoK on February 13 is an online kick-off for enrollment for Kindergarten Families. You may enroll anytime online. Initially, families will choose to enroll at your residential school, but your residential school doesn't need to be your intended final school choice.

Residential Speas families can choose the Spanish Dual Language Immersion class or the English Only class. To have your preference for the type of classroom, please enroll sooner rather than later so we can plan for needed spaces.

Non-residential families should complete the Magnet and Choice application. This period for Kindergarten students is March 17-April 17. During this period, you may apply to Speas through the Magnet Application online here:

Non-residential families with a child who already attends Speas should still complete the Magnet Application. The Magnet Application for siblings is the district's process to ensure siblings at Magnet schools are placed with preference.

All these details and more can be found on our website here: