How to support the 3 RJR Alumni Initiatives

RJ Reynolds High School Alumni and Friends logo

The R.J. Reynolds High School Alumni and Friends organization currently has three ongoing initiatives:  1) to raise the needed funds to award two $1,000 scholarships annually to deserving seniors   2) to raise funds to increase the size of the RJ Reynolds High School Alumni and Friends Endowment 3) to raise funds to increase the size of the Richard J Reynolds Memorial Auditorium Endowment.

The funding for the annual awarding of two scholarships comes ONLY from donations to the "RJR Alumni and Friends" organization for that purpose! 
To learn about those awardees, click on the following image.


If you are at least 70 1/2 years old and you have an IRA, you can use that IRA to make a donation. Click on the above Alumni and Friends logo at the top of the page to learn how.

If you would like to make a secure tax-deductible debit or credit card donation (using supporting either the RJR Alumni organization or the scholarship initiative, click onto the following image:

Paypal logo

Should you like to make a tax-deductible donation via a check:  make it out to "RJR Alumni." Write in either "alumni organization" or "scholarships" on the memo line. Mail it to:

RJR Alumni * PO Box 26172 * Winston-Salem, NC 27114.   

Should you want to leave a distribution of your final estate in you will, follow the above instructions.

If you would like to support either (or both) of the above mentioned endowments, click onto the appropriate image(s) below.

RJ Reynolds High School

RJ Reynolds High School Alumni and Friends Endowment

Richard J. Reynolds Memorial Auditorium

Richard J. Reynolds Memorial Auditorium Endowment