Welcome to www.RJRalumni.org
THE website for R J Reynolds High School Alumni and Friends!
You are at the right place to learn about some of the great things that are happening at Reynolds High School, as well as the activities of some of its alums and graduating classes.
Depending on what device you are using to get to this site, you will also see a menu of important pages. If you are using a smart phone, the menu will be above this, and if you are using a computer, the menu will be to the lerft of this. Please take the time to check out those informative pages.
The Reynolds High School of today may be VERY different than the Reynolds High School that you graduated from. To see the official school profile, click on the above Alumni and Friends logo.
The words today are the same as in 1949 when they were first written:
Amid the pines she proudly stands!
CONGRATULATIONS to the RJ Reynolds High School Class of 2024 (pictured above)
To receive periodic emailed newsletters from the RJR Alumni President Harry Corpening, merely send an email to RJRdirectory@aol.com (with the subject line of "add me to the list").
Please inform your classmates about this website....so that a lot more of the 41,431 Reynolds High School alumni will know what great things are taking place "amid the pines."
Below are recently posted articles:
Topics covered in the newsletter are...
a) More information on the Hall of Fame events coming up in February
b) How to share information on your class reunions (Judy Dodd is seeking information regarding the Class of 1965--is there a 60th reunion being planned?)
c) How to get more involved with the Alumni and Friends
d) The W-S Journal coverage of the arrests following the December 10th event
e) An Alumni Spotlight on Woody Faircloth--Class of 1986It's not too late to order a commemorative brick for the stadium!