RJ Reynolds High School Alumni and Friends logo

On September 15, 2023, the 'RJ Reynolds High School Alumni and Friends' corporation created an endowment with the Winston-Salem Foundation.

That was the 100th anniversary of the day R.J. Reynolds High School opened its doors to students for its first full school-year.

Until it grows in size, the short term goals of this endowment are:

A) to fund the annual awarding of $1,000 to the staff person selected as the RJR Teacher of the Year (via an anonymous vote amongst all RJR teachers at the beginning of the school-year).

B) to fund the annual awarding of two $1,000 scholarships to deserving seniors (with the awardees being selected by a committee of Guidance Counselors).

It is hoped that EVERY RJR alum will support this endowment. Should you wish to do so by making an immediate (tax-deductible) donation using your debit or credit card: click onto the following image.

The Winston-Salem Foundation logo

Should you wish to make a donation via a check, remember that if you are at least 70 1/2 years old and you have an IRA: you can make your donation via a disbursement from your IRA. To learn the details about this, click on the Alumni and Friends logo at the top of the page.

Should you want to write your own check, make it out to "W-S Foundation" and mail it to: Winston-Salem Foundation * 751 W. Fourth Street - Suite 200 * Winston-Salem, NC 27101. Write in "RJR Alumni endowment" on the memo-line.

Should you wish to include supporting this endowment in your will, tell your heirs to follow the above instructions.