Phillip Boyd, Jr. (left) and Harry Corpening
On August 28, 2024, RJR's "Foods and Nutrition" teacher Phillip Boyd, Jr. and RJR Alumni President Harry Corpening staged a recorded Zoom conversation. Mr. Corpening has been a presenter at the annual Senior Day events at Reynolds Auditorium for sixteen consecutive years. This is the day/event at which the Senior Class is honored. Each year he would give a $1,000 cash gift to the staff member (selected by their peers) as the Teacher of the Year. He would then award two $1,000 scholarships. Last May when the Senior Day event took place, Harry announced that Phillip Boyd, Jr. was last year's Teacher of the Year. In his opinion, the auditorium then immediately "exploded" with raucous applause.
All that Mr. Corpening knew about Mr. Boyd was that he taught Foods and Nutrition classes. He had no idea what that really meant. On a subsequent trip to RJR, Harry went to the School Office and talked with RJR's Finance Manager Susan Annas. She briefly explained what was taught in the course, and suggested that Mr. Corpening should go take a look at the classroom set-up (since it was, like the School Office, located on the first floor). When he did, Harry was "blown away" with what he saw.
When he was attending RJR (and he graduated in 1968), Harry was taught Geometry in that same classroom. What he saw was six mini-kitchens (one of which was at the front of the room...which was obviously used by the teacher). The other five were located against the wall (and can be seen in the following image).
To the right of these were rows of tables and chairs (as seen below).
The conversation with Mr. Boyd was VERY informative. He told Harry about:
* His introductory course teaches students not only how to cook, but also such things as dining etiquette, the relationship of diet to health, kitchen and meal management, and food preparation. He also informed him that his classes now have many more male students than females.
* The advantages students taking his Honors Class have when they leave RJR to attain a college degree.
* How and why the alumni should contact him by email (at if they end up with kitchen paraphernalia they need to dispose of.
The video of the conversation between Mr. Corpening and Mr. Boyd is VERY entertaining. You will also learn about Phillip also being a game-day first-responder for several of RJR's athletic teams. To view that video, click on the picture of Harry and Phillip at the top of the page. Should you wish to learn more about this amazing RJR staff member: click on the middle image above to view the answers he submitted to Mr. Corpening's Teacher of the Year questionnaire.
Should you wish to make an immediate tax-deductible debit or credit card donation to support Mr. Boyd's class: click onto the above bottom image. Should you wish to make a donation via a check (which would also be tax-deductible): make it out to "RJR Alumni," and on the memo-line write in "food & nutrition." Then mail it to: RJR Alumni * PO Box 26172 * Winston-Salem, NC 27114.