RJ Reynolds High School Alumni and Friends logo

There are several ways to make a donation to support the 'RJ Reynolds High School Alumni and Friends' corporation's payment of their ongoing expenses (such as the rental of a post office box, the yearly filing of a tax return, the purchase of stamps and letters for thank you letters, and the cost involved in sending out periodic emailed newsletters). Please remember that this has been deemed a non-profit entity by the IRS, which makes all donations to it tax-deductible.

If you have an IRA and you are at least 70 1/2 years old, you can make a disbursement from your IRA to make such a gift. To learn the details of doing this: click on the Alumni and Friends logo (above).

If you would like to make an immediate donation using your debit or credit card using Paypal, click on the following image.

Paypal logo

If you would like to make a donation using a check: make it out to "RJR Alumni" and mail it to:
RJR Alumni * PO Box 26172 * Winston-Salem, NC 27114.