Career Center will be closed to staff and students Monday January 12th

Due to to expected freezing temperatures overnight, Career Center will be closed to staff and students Tuesday January 7th.

WSFCS will be closed today December 3rd due to dangerous conditions on the roads and safety concerns.

WS/FCS will be on a two-hour delay Tuesday morning, December 3. Career Center 2 Hour Delay Schedule.

Hispanic and Latinx educators from Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools got together at the Career Center on Tuesday afternoon for the first meeting of the district’s Progresa affinity group. Learn more on our website at https://www.wsfcs.k12.nc.us/article/1861043.

“On the first day of school, I informed my teacher myself that I have a 504 plan, and with that I have a hearing disability. She informed me that there are specialized tools like this stethoscope that I can use to help me better succeed." - Charlotte Reece
“I feel like a lot of people can sometimes look down on you, and I think just talking to us… being mature about everything can also really help also.” - Rebecca Torres
Reece and Torres are both nursing students at the Career Center who participated in the Department of Public Instruction's Accelerate, Invigorate, and Motivate (AIM) conference last week. The two of them had the chance to speak with ednc.org about the Portrait of a Graduate, disability access, and effective teaching methods. Their responses are available online at www.ednc.org/10-10-2024-aim-conference-covers-ai-and-durability-skills-for-north-carolina-students/.
#wsfcs #DeeperLearning #PortraitOfAGraduate #AIM2024

Due to predicted high wind gusts and the potential for flash flooding and tornadoes from Hurricane Helene during student and staff arrivals in the morning, WS/FCS will be closed for students and staff on Friday, September 27. Although the weather is predicted to improve in the afternoon, all extracurricular activities will also be cancelled on Friday to give us time to assess facility conditions.

Welcome back, WS/FCS Teachers and Staff! 👋🎉 Let’s kick off the 2024-2025 school year with positivity and enthusiasm as we prepare to make a lasting impact on our students. #WSFCS #WSFCSPOG #WSFCSBackToSchool

Welcome back, WS/FCS Teachers and Staff! 👋🎉 Let’s kick off the 2024-2025 school year with positivity and enthusiasm as we prepare to make a lasting impact on our students. #WSFCS #WSFCSPOG #WSFCSBackToSchool

The WS/FCS Educator Warehouse will open for the 2024-25 school year next week, starting with their open house running from August 1-3! Learn more on our website at https://www.wsfcs.k12.nc.us/article/1685705.