heart tutoring

Heart Math Tutoring is excited to be a part of the Bolton school community. Heart Math Tutoring (“HMT”) gives young students successful experiences in math through one-on-one, volunteer-delivered tutoring during the school day. Teachers and school leaders recommend students for the program who are performing 2-3 years below their grade level in math and may not have access to resources for private tutoring. We assess each student to determine his/her individual instructional needs. Volunteers provide lessons at each student’s level in 30-minute tutoring sessions twice per week using Heart Math Tutoring’s structured curriculum. In addition to providing academic support, tutors act as mentors, providing encouragement that can have a positive impact on students’ confidence and enthusiasm towards academics. 

Learn more about Heart Math Tutoring

 Volunteering with Heart is a great way to become more involved in your local school and to positively impact your community.
Learn more about how to Volunteer with Heart