WS/FCS has missed several school days due to winter weather. Please review the district's plans to make up time and provide for remote learning in case of future closures.

Making Up Instruction Time

WS/FCS must add time to our calendar to meet state instructional hour requirements. We propose to do this by:

  • Having in-person instruction on March 7 and April 21. (Note: Early and Middle College have a separate calendar - see school message for details.)

  • Extending school days by 15 minutes. This change must be approved by the Board of Education before it is official. The longer days would begin February 3.

Remote Learning Plan

If there are additional days lost to weather cancellations this school year, WS/FCS has designed a remote learning plan so that student learning will continue to the fullest extent possible.

Remote learning can be a challenge for some students. Our school teams have worked hard to design meaningful work students can do at home. We also have kept in mind that our youngest learners will need adult support. 

Here’s the plan:

  • On Friday, January 17, your school will provide up to five days of assignments and activities for your child to take home. This work could include 90-minutes of conversation, reading and play with an adult for Pre-K students and independent learning tasks for 120-220 minutes for older students.

  • Each school will provide a point of contact for questions or concerns. Feedback is important for learning. Teachers will provide timely and effective feedback to students by email, phone, or video conferencing. They will establish "office hours" for real-time support using district-provided platforms. 

  • Students should submit completed work when they return to school. The work will be graded. 

It’s been a particularly difficult winter, so district leaders felt it was important to adopt this new remote learning plan.

Please do not hesitate to reach out to your school with questions.