Panorama Family Feedback Survey

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What is the Panorama Survey?

Family-School Relationships (Panorama) Survey

Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools wants to learn more about your family’s experience with school this year, and how we can best support students, families, and staff for the remainder of the school year and beyond. We are asking you to complete a short survey to give us the feedback we need to provide the best services, resources, and learning experiences for our students and families. Your answers are completely anonymous. Please share your voice today!

Who can participate?

Any parent/caregiver of a student enrolled in a district school for Grades PK-12

  • If you have children enrolled in multiple schools, please complete the survey once per school.

  • If you have more than one child at the same school, please respond with your oldest child’s experience in mind.

How will the surveys be used?

The survey will provide the schools and school district with feedback from you regarding your thoughts on the experiences at your schools, what you feel are the strengths the school has to offer your child(ren), and what are the areas of improvement that you feel are needed to support and improve your student's experiences at school.

Who benefits from the survey?

Students, families, schools, and the community will all benefit from the results of the survey.  Results from this survey along with the Panorama staff and student survey will be used to help to aid in the development of School Improvement Plans.

Panorama Survey Period

The Spring Panorama Survey runs from March 17 through April 7.

Students and Employees will receive more information about the survey from their administrative teams.