Instructional Resource Center

Welcome to the Instructional Resource Center (IRC)

The IRC offers self-service laminators, poster makers, Ellison Die cuts, and more. 
Please call for current pricing information.
Teachers and staff may self-pay for laminating, posters or construction paper used or charge the expense to the school with permission.  

The IRC is open daily from 7am-5pm.


The IRC is located on the bottom floor of the Education Building.
4801 Bethania Station Road, Winston-Salem, NC  27105
336-727-2373 ext. 5

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Instructional Resource Center Supplies

Directions to IRC

4801 Bethania Station Rd
Winston-Salem, NC 27105

Here are mapped street directions to the IRC located on the 1st floor of the WSFCS Education Building.

When you arrive, please park in the large parking lot to the right of the building.  Walk straight across the parking lot to the first floor brown doors. Once inside, turn right and come down the hall.

You are now in the IRC!