Homebound Hospital Education Center
The homebound program provides temporary instructional services in private homes and/or locations specified by the Homebound team or virtually. This program is for students who have extenuating circumstances documented by a medical and/or psychiatric provider. Homebound teachers are well qualified and experienced. Homebound is committed to helping students keep a reasonable pace in their current educational curricula. Homebound instruction, however, can never replace classroom learning. It is essential that students return to school as soon as possible.
Homebound Placement
A student is medically eligible for homebound services if the absence at home is anticipated to be at least four weeks.
Extending homebound services beyond the original anticipated date of return requires a physician's reassessment of the student's medical condition with written recommendations sent to the Homebound/Hospital Education Center Director.
While awaiting the beginning of homebound services, a parent or guardian should obtain textbooks and assignments from the home school through the school guidance office.
A Homebound/Hospital Work List is left in the home for the parent/guardian at the end of each instructional session. Notes on the days' lessons, homework that needs to be completed and the listing of upcoming tests are provided. Information is designed to help parents monitor and support instruction during the time a student is homebound.
The parent/guardian should provide supervised instructional sessions for students every day of the school week.
To secure homebound services, a parent or guardian must:
Apply in the guidance office of the student's home school
Complete a Parent Authorization form
If serious medical reasons prevent the student from attending school, obtain a doctor's documentation using the appropriate referral:
A Physician's Referral for medical conditions
A Psychiatrist's Referral for mental health conditions
An OB/GYN Referral for pregnancies
A Physician's Referral for medically fragile conditions
Expect a possible visit from the school social worker
Arrange to have a responsible adult chaperone present during all instructional sessions
To make homebound instruction as productive as possible, the parent/guardian should:
Arrange with the homebound teacher a schedule of consistent times of instruction
Choose an instructional space that is quiet, orderly and free of audio and visual distractions
Keep the study area free of pets and other children
Limit smoking to areas and times outside of instruction
Have an approved, responsible adult in attendance during instructional time
Make a separate appointment if a long, parent/ teacher conference is needed
To ensure optimum learning, the homebound student should:
Keep assignments and materials together and organized by subject area
Between sessions, complete assignments left by the homebound teacher
Have a school study buddy to help with assignments between sessions and to convey information about class activities
To do if the student misses a homebound session:
There may be occasions when the student must miss an instructional session due to medical reasons. He/she will not be counted absent if the teacher is informed the preceding day or evening. When the student must cancel on the appointed day, as early as possible, the parent/guardian should call the teacher's voice mail number and leave a message canceling the session and suggesting alternative times to make up the session.
Leave a note on the door if a phone is not available.