Get On The Bus Referral Program

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Are you a current Bus Driver? Do you know someone who may be interested in becoming a Bus Driver? Make a referral and earn $200!
Please complete and submit the
bus driver employee referral form in order to make your referral. Once complete, send via email to Kim Pizzulo in Human Resources. 
In order to be eligible for the $200 referral bonus to be paid via direct deposit, the following criteria must be met:

  • You submitted a referral form

  • The candidate is not a current WS/FCS employee

  • The candidate applied on ATS to the Bus Driver job if they have their CDL or Bus Driver Trainee if they do not

  • The candidate completes the hiring and training process and becomes a bus driver.

  • The candidate stays employed with WS/FCS for at least 90 days

Please note that you can make as many referrals as you like, so start submitting today. For more information on the hiring process, please refer to our now hiring page.