Frequently Asked Questions

What do I do if I missed the choice and magnet period?
Please continue to check our website or contact your child's assigned school regarding the dates for the next choice period.  If you have a special circumstance, please notify your child's school or our office for assistance regarding transfer information.  

How can I appeal my child's denial to their choice school?
Please send your appeal to the email address on the letter that you received. This email address should only be used for appeals by families that have applied and been denied, and therefore should not be shared. We will respond to all appeals after the appeal period is over on February 18th. A letter of the appeal decision will be sent to the family's home address. 

Can I appeal my child's waitlist number?
There is no appeals process for waitlist number. You will remain on the waitlist until your child is called off the waitlist. Until that happens you will be defaulted to your residential school or choice assignment (if you filled out choice). 

Do I need to complete a Choice/Magnet Application to attend the virtual academy for the 2023-2024 school year?
Yes, you must complete a choice/magnet application during the choice period and check our website periodically to see if we have extended the window for accepting applications for the Virtual Academy for K-8 or 9-12. 

How long will my Magnet/Choice Application be on file?
Magnet/Choice applications will be on file for one school year. Families can log into their scribbles application dashboard to see the current status of their applications during this time.

How are students selected for a Magnet Assignment for each school?
Once they apply to enter in the Magnet lottery, the students are selected by a computerized random selection process.

What is the sibling policy for the magnet schools?
Preference shall be granted for the enrollment of any sibling of a current K-12 student at a Magnet school, but no more than fifty percent (50%) of any grade shall be reserved for siblings. If there is not sufficient room for a sibling in a grade level, that sibling shall be placed at the top of the waiting list for the grade.  The term "sibling" shall mean brother, sister, stepbrother and stepsister who reside together in the same household. If the parents are divorced or living separate and apart and the siblings reside in separate households, the sibling preference does not apply.

Do I still need to fill out a Magnet application for my younger child?
Yes, you will need to fill out an application for a rising sibling, if you want them to attend the same school.  Once you have been accepted into a Magnet school, your application will be removed from all other waiting lists.

Can I apply for a magnet school outside of my zone?
Yes, all Magnet programs require students to apply for placement.

How will I be notified of my acceptance?
You will receive your Magnet results by letter to your home address as well as by email.

Once my child is in a Magnet school, do I have to apply every year?
Students who are currently enrolled in a Magnet School do not have to reapply unless they want to change schools.

If I apply for multiple schools and am accepted into one, will I still be eligible for other schools?
Once you have been accepted into a Magnet school, your application will be removed from all other waiting lists.

I have moved or changed my contact information, what should I do?
Please notify the Student Assignment Office at 336-748-3302 to make changes to your student's Magnet application. 

Can a student be partial virtual academy and partially at an in-person school?
No, not at this time. We have an in-person option or Virtual Academy. 

What if I have a medical need keeping my student from attending school in person?
Please contact the Exceptional Children's Department 336-727-2083.

If my child is enrolled at a school for Pre-K, will they automatically be enrolled at that school for Kindergarten?
No, you will need to reapply for Kindergarten if you would like to return to that school.