The Educator Warehouse is made possible because of the many generous donations of local businesses and individuals.
Everything from gently-used office supplies to new crayons and markers are needed and appreciated.
Suggested donations include:
Classroom And Office Supplies
Paper—all colors, sizes, and types
Pens, pencils, crayons, markers, highlighters, dry erase markers
Scissors, glue, pencil sharpeners and erasers, pencil boxes & pouches
Kleenex, wet wipes, disposable gloves, and hand sanitizer
Post-it/sticky notes, composition notebooks, sheet protectors, & pocket folders
Staplers, tape dispensers, binder clips, tape, glue sticks, rubber bands, organizers, and more!
Instructional Materials
Teacher resource books (Copyright after 2010), children's books and novels
Bulletin board materials, posters, arts/crafts & room decor
Math, Science, Social Studies and Language Arts manipulatives
Games, puzzles, flash cards and more!
In addition to classroom supplies, the Educator Warehouse needs monetary donations to supplement the donated supplies and cover our nominal overhead expenses. All donations are 100% tax-deductible, and the teachers will appreciate your generosity!
Pay online at Forsyth Ed Partnership or make checks payable to Educator Warehouse and mail to Forsyth Educator Partnerhship - PO Box 141 - Winston-Salem, NC 27102.
For questions regarding donations, please contact:
The Educator Warehouse at 336.671.1078 or email at Educator Warehouse

Items We Do Not Accept
Resource books copyrighted before 2010
Hanging File Folders
Adding Machines
Lesson Plans/Photocopied materials
Overhead Projectors/ Transparencies
Printers/ Ink
VHS/Cassette Tapes

Thanks to the generous donations of businesses and individuals from our community, the Educator Warehouse is stocked with thousands of classroom supplies and resources.
The Educator Warehouse is a project of Forsyth Educator Partnership and Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Council of PTAs.
Both organizations are 501(c)3 non-profit organizations.