What to expect?

What to Expect When You Come In To Volunteer?

  1. Once approved, you'll receive an email notification* to begin volunteering within the school of your choice. Please contact them to find out how you can help out.

    • *For first time volunteers or upon reapplying yearly

  2. Arrive at the school. Ring the doorbell to be let in, and head to the front office to check in.

  3. Say hi at the front office, and check in at computer kiosk by selecting Volunteer and scanning your I.D.

  4. At the kiosk, enter volunteer information to generate a nametag. Place your nametag where it is clearly visible.

  5. Volunteer!

  6. When you're finished for the day, swing by the front office and check out.

  7. Leave with a full heart!

Volunteer Impact

“She is truly a blessing and a godsend to the school for the staff, parents, and students. She has assisted me in so many ways to build and grow the family engagement. Each morning she comes in and greets everyone and finds out ways that she can assist that day or prepare for parent nights, PTA meetings, fall carnival, Sweetheart Dance, Family Learning Conference nights, just to name a few of her many efforts.”  

- Parent Involvement and Volunteer Coordinator, Diggs-Latham Elementary

"Students look forward to talking with him, listening to his advice and changing their mindset to a positive outlook. While listening to the students’ concerns, he heard about their food insecurities, and he joined forces with Mount Moriah Outreach Church who has a food pantry that’s willing to share with our families.”

- Science Teacher, Main Street Academy