Teacher Residency Program

students working on a laptop at classroom

Program Vision

Every student taught by a WS/FCS Teaching Resident will attain the best education that ignites their imaginations and challenges them, ultimately leading them to achieve in our local and global economies. The WS/FCS Teaching Residency program will do this by preparing each resident in the following areas::

concept maps

  • Application of Pedagogy and Content Knowledge- utilize deep content knowledge, skill application, and mindsets to create relevant, academic experiences for students

  • SEL and Classroom management-draw on students' strengths to challenge them in maximizing their academic potential in pursuit of college and career readiness

  • Equity and Access- incorporate each students' personal and cultural identity in a meaningful way, every day in every class

  • Field Experience and Coaching-understand how the continuous cycle of practice, data analysis, and feedback impacts their instructional practices


WS/FCS Teacher Residency is a state-approved alternative route Educator Preparation Program (EPP) for the Residency License. The WS/FCS’s Teacher Residency Program specifically targets current teacher assistants, WS/FCS past and current employees, substitutes, graduates from local universities, and people in the Triad area. Teachers in the program will teach under a Residency License while attending weekly classes in person and working online in a licensure-specific Canvas course. The goal of the program is for WS/FCS Teaching Residency to be a high-quality, research-based, accelerated training and licensure program that recruits, prepares, and retains a diverse teaching population to meet the academic, social, emotional, and cultural needs of WS/FCS students.

The program begins with 6 weeks of in-person classes over the summer. During this summer training, participants experience high-quality professional development on Content Knowledge, SEL/Classroom Management, Equity and Access, Field Experience and Coaching, and Knowledge and Application of Pedagogy. During the Fall, participants complete licensure-specific online modules and receive timely feedback from a teacher leader or coach in that licensure area while attending weekly in-person classes to continue professional development and solve problems of practice in a supportive environment.

The cost is $3000. Participants pay $500 summer fee by June 1 and have $250 per month automatically withdrawn from each of their paychecks. Teachers may choose to pay the $3000 up front if they prefer.

The Teacher Residency Program offers the following licensure areas:

  • Arts Education

  • Early Childhood (Birth-Kindergarten)

  • Elementary Education

  • Multilingual Learners

  • Secondary ELA

  • Secondary Math

  • Secondary Science

  • Special Education (General and Adapted Curriculum)

  • Secondary Social Studies

  • Middle Grades Math

  • Middle Grades Science

  • Middle Grades ELA

  • Middle Grades Social Studies

  • CTE

PREPARE+ is an optional, grant funded program that allows teachers in the WS/FCS Teacher Residency Program to earn a master’s degree in Elementary Education, Exceptional Children-General, Secondary Math, or Biology and Chemistry. Teachers seeking licensure in one of these areas may apply for the PREPARE+ program and will know if they are accepted in the Fall of their Teacher Residency year. These teachers will be supported with a mentor and will take classes at either NC A&T University or High Point University to complete their residency license in two years rather than one year.

Winston-Salem TEACH is a DIFFERENT Educator Preparation Program and supports people pursuing licensure in EC General, Elementary Education, and certain secondary licensure areas. Participants in this program are not employed by the district their first year of the program. They receive a minimum $30,000 stipend (used for the costs associated with tuition, fees, and living expenses) for the first year. During this year, participants attend classes at Salem College, Wake Forest University, or Winston-Salem State University and have field experiences in WS/FCS schools. During the second year, participants continue classes while being teachers of record in a high-need WS/FCS school. Participants commit to teaching in a high-need WS/FCS school for a minimum of 3 years.


Participants in the Teacher Residency Program are paid on the teacher salary schedule, which may be found here.

Next Steps

For more information on the Teacher Residency Program, visit our FAQ page.

Applications open in early October. The priority deadline is December 1, and the final deadline is March 1. To apply to be in the WS/FCS teacher residency program, visit our Career Opportunities page.


Karen Morris, Director of Teacher Residency Program

Phone: (336) 930-3041


Please note that admission for all candidates is pending approval of the WS/FCS Teacher Residency program by the NC State Board of Education (NCSBE). Once we secure approval, candidates that successfully complete summer training will earn our endorsement for a Residency License and continue into the school year program. Candidates will earn our endorsement for their Initial Professional License upon successful completion of their first year of full-time teaching and after meeting all program, district, and state requirements.