WS/FCS believes strongly in supporting teachers to provide a high-quality education for our students. Teachers receive ongoing, job-embedded professional development in content and pedagogy. We offer an online professional development catalog, which houses opportunities for educators to increase their knowledge and skills.
Beginning Teacher Support Program
Beginning Teachers (years 1-3) meet with mentor teachers on a weekly basis. If needed, beginning teachers may receive the support of a Beginning Teacher Support Coach:
Classroom management support
Co-planning and co-teaching
Classroom modeling
Observations and Feedback
Data Analysis Assistance
Peer Observation Collaboratives
Continuous Improvement Coaching Cycle
edTPA/Praxis Support
Licensure and Educator Preparation Program support
Teacher Academy provides support to teachers in three ways:
Quality Colleague Pathway: Teacher Leaders collaborate and coach up to 2 experienced teachers in a year-long mentee-mentor relationship of support.
Professional Development Pathway: Teacher Leaders work together to design and present professional development for teachers across the district throughout the school year as needed.
Lead Mentor Pathway: Teacher Leaders are the primary point of contact for facilitating mentoring in the school building. Lead Mentors do not have to be a part of Teacher Academy to qualify. Working along side administration, the Lead Mentor ensures effective mentoring and coaching of beginning teachers.
National Board Certification: WS/FCS provides an abundance of support for teachers interested in pursuing National Board Certification.
The teacher salary schedule may be found here.
Next Steps
To apply for a teacher position, visit our Jobs board.
Contact Us
Jacqueline Fendley, Director of New Teacher Induction and Teacher Academy
Phone: 336.727.2033
Email: jcfendley@wsfcs.k12.nc.us