Social Studies Mission and Vision
To create critically thinking, globally aware students who possess the intellectual skills, civic values, and content knowledge to fully participate and lead in our democratic society and increasingly interconnected global community.
We believe:
All students have the right to a well-rounded education that includes intentional Social Studies Instruction.
Meaningful experiences with Social Studies content and skills develop literacy and the critical thinking/problem-solving skills needed to function and thrive in today’s world.
Social Studies provides a window to the world far beyond our local community and fosters a respect and appreciation for different cultures.
Social Studies encourages students to see the world through a variety of perspectives and to hear the experiences from a variety of voices.
All students should enjoy Social Studies instruction, that is:
Aligned to the state standards
Authentic and connected to students' strengths and interests
Respectful and representative of all
Designed to foster civic participation
Rigorous and rooted in inquiry
Active and Engaging (Intellectual discourse and Problem-Solving)