Employee Phone Directory - Fortinet Internal Extension listing. The internal phone directory can only be accessed inside of the WS/FCS network. To access and log into the directory, click the employee phone directory link icon to the right.

  • Username is the same as your assigned IP phone extension (only applies for employees with assigned extensions, not a classroom.)

  • Password is the same as your everyday login password.

up close image of ip phone

Fortinet Directory

For a printable PDF of schools, principals, and assistant principals, please download our 2024-2025 School Directory (Updated 9/17/2024).

For a printable PDF of the Central Office Directory, please download our Alpha Central Office Directory (Updated 3/21/25).

For additions, corrections, or updates, please contact Evan Herreid or Sheila Simpson in the Communications Department at eherreid@wsfcs.k12.nc.us (ext. 70239) or srsimpson@wsfcs.k12.nc.us (ext. 70129)