Education Verification


All high schools maintain graduation records for students from the most recent 5 years.  
Contact the graduation school for transcripts if the student has graduated within the past 5 years.

Via US Postal Service:  

Mail in your company information, a signed release form, and $5 payment to:
WS/FCS Former Student Records
PO Box 2513
Winston-Salem, NC 27102

Via FAX or Email:       

  1. Prepay the $5 per record at our WS/FCS payment processing page. Once the transaction is complete, you will be emailed your receipt to the email address you provided to the payment processor.

  2. Please print your receipt from your email account.

  3. Your company's Employment Verification Request form or cover-sheet should contain:

    1. Employee's or applicant's full name

    2. Date of birth

    3. Name of the school they graduated from

    4. Year of graduation

  4. FAX: transmit your printed receipt and the Employment Verification Request form or cover-sheet to 336-750-9641 
    Email: attach your printed receipt and the scanned image of your Employment Verification Request form to
    Email Students Records 

If you have questions or concerns, please contact our office at 336-727-2306