Classified Advisory Council (CAC)
The Classified Advisory Council (CAC) is comprised of a representative from each school/department in WS/FCS with the purpose of raising district-wide concerns and recommendations to senior district leadership. Principals and supervisors will choose a representative for each of their schools/departments. The school/department CAC representative will first work with administration/supervisors to develop site-based solutions. If the issue is a district-wide concern, it should be shared with a CAC Executive Committee member and will be added to our quarterly agenda. CAC representatives are responsible for sharing the meeting notes and information with their staff members.
Message from the Chairperson
Greetings! I am Wendy Hall, and I am the 2024-2025 chairperson of the Classified Advisory Council (CAC). On behalf of the Classified Executive team, we would like to welcome you to the WSFCS system. I have been an EC/TA for over 24 years. I hope this year we will continue improving our communication between classified employees and the district. Please see the link in the sidebar for the BOE definition of a Classified Employee if you are not sure who one is. Together we are a large part of the school system and, as the African proverb says, it takes a village to raise a child, it takes a village to run this district. I personally want to thank everyone for the hard work you put forth to make it work. The future of our students is worth all the energy we put in into seeing them succeed.
If your principal/supervisor chooses you to be a classified representative for your school, you will be attending the CAC meetings and then going back to your work site and sharing the information you received. Please let your peers know that you are the representative for your school, so they know who to come to if they have questions. All questions that come to the Classified Executive team are anonymous and we respect the privacy of all employees.
Remember to some small steps are giant.
Wendy Hall
EC paraprofessional
Lowrance Middle School
Board of Education Definition of Classified Employee
The terms "classified employees" or "classified personnel" as used in the Board policy and wherever these terms appear in the policies of the Board shall mean those individuals employed by the Winston-Salem/ Forsyth County Board of Education who hold a position of employment for which certification by the North Carolina Department of Public Education is not required. The term includes, but is not limited to, individuals who hold positions in the following areas of employment: secretarial, housekeeping, food services, maintenance, transportation, educational aides & support personnel, public relations, financial, IT/computer services, research, purchasing and personnel.

The Classified Advisory Council will meet at the education building on the following dates for the 2024-2025 school year:
January 09, 2025
April 17, 2025
Meetings will begin at 7:30 AM
Questions/concerns about the CAC should be directed to a Executive Committee member.