CFST Nurses
Child and Family Support Teams (CFST)
Seven schools in the Winston-Salem / Forsyth County School system are Child and Family Support Team schools. The purpose of these teams is to identify and coordinate appropriate services and support for children at risk of school failure or out-of-home placement by addressing the physical, social, legal, emotional and developmental factors that affect academic performance. Referrals are generated through self referral by students or from school personnel and families. Teams, composed of a clinical school social worker and a registered nurse, assess and offer interventions specific to the needs of the student and their family through direct service or referral to appropriate Human Service providers.
The teams encourage collaboration among all Human Service providers and the development of a system-of-care on behalf of children and families.
CFST Nurses and Their Assignments
Carver High: Stephanie Smith
Diggs-Latham Elementary: Kamilah Franklin
Easton Elementary: Stacy Payne
Ibraham Elementary: Shannon Taylor
Parkland High: Angela Sheek
Philo-Hill Middle: Vacant
All other unlisted locations are covered by a traditional nurse or a nurse employed by the Forsyth County Department of Public Health.