Student Services

Office Hours
8:00 am - 4:00 pm
Monday - Friday
Phone (336) 712-4400
Fax (336) 866-0214
The student services department includes six School Counselors, a Data Manager, Registrar, and Clerk to assist students in meeting their social/emotional, academic, and postsecondary goals. The school counselors work with students in a variety of areas including registration for appropriate classes; career exploration; interpretation of standardized tests; college admissions, majors, and financial aid; mental health support; and referral to community agencies for additional services. We partner with our school social worker, psychologist, and career development coordinator.
In order to best serve the needs of all our students, each student is assigned to a school counselor for the duration of their time in high school. These assignments are made alphabetically according to the student's last name. Assignments are as follows, including a listing of each counselor's special responsibilities:
A - Co |
| |
| Cr - Fl |
Fn - Kim |
| |
Kin - Ni |
| |
| No - Sha |
| She - Z |
| Social Worker |
Data Manager |
| |
Registrar |
| |
Clerk |
Students may request an appointment with their assigned school counselor by following the link on the Student Services webpage.
In the case of an emergency or crisis, please report to Student Services and a school counselor will meet with you as soon as possible.
Parents who wish to meet with multiple teachers at the same time should contact their child's school counselor to set up a collaborative meeting.
For Career Development Services and questions relating to Career and Technical Education programs like job shadowing, internships, apprenticeships and other work-based learning opportunities, please contact Kim Hayes, the Career Development Coordinator (CDC), at West Forsyth. Contact by email: Email Kim Hayes at
Or visit the Career Development webpage at: Career Development Department.