About Our School
South Fork Elementary "Catch the Wave"
Striving for excellence.

South Fork Dolphin's Mission
Love, Engage, Accept, Respond, and Nurture every scholar, in every class, every day!
South Fork Dolphin's Vision
South Fork is committed to empowering all students to reach their full potential in an environment of excellence.
Where are we now?
Positive School Environment
Safety Protocols Followed Regularly
Small Group/Differentiation Training in Place
MTSS Processes in place with consistent intervention data
Hybrid Instruction is in place
Regular use of Canvas Pages
Consistent Family Engagement
Consistent Community Engagement
Cares Team/Admin Team processes to monitor and follow up on attendance
Instructional monitoring model in place
Taking a careful look at Core Instruction.
Goal:By June 2022, 80% of South Fork Elementary scholars will meet or exceed one year's growth as indicated by the i-Ready EOY Assessments: We will provide multi-tiered layers of support to include intervention, social and emotional, and enrichment support as identified through Early Warning System data analysis and MTSS programming. We will utilize i Ready and formative assessment data to monitor progress and address the identified needs of specific subgroups.
Indicator Supporting Goal: 4.01, 3.01
Addressing Our Subgroup Areas
Goal: By June 2022, South Fork will reach or exceed the ESSA reading goals for 7 out of 7 of our subgroups as measured by the EOG assessment. We will address subgroup gaps in order to increase the proficiency in reading from 5.1% to 11.2% for students with disabilities, increase the proficiency in reading from 38.5% to 46.8% for white students and increase the proficiency in reading from 21.1% to 27.9% for Hispanic students.
Indicators Supporting Goal: A4.01, A3.01 and A2.04
Partnering with Parents to ensure we reach our goals.
Focus Area: Climate/Culture Goal - By June 2022, South Fork will increase the level of parent participation and engagement by 10% as indicated by participation in school events and programs and will improve the variety and method of the frequency of communication utilized to support the success of all learners.
Indicators Supporting Goal ( E1.06, E 2.02)
Partnering with the Community

Partnering with Families!