Pre-K 3 and Pre-K 4
Welcome to Pre-K!
Pre-K Teachers and Assistants
Ms. Hunter and Miss Gerhardt, room 110 (Pre-K 3)
Mrs. Hazlett, Ms. Labaugh and Mrs. Brandon room 108 (Pre-K 4)
Please consider donating: bleach free wipes, paper towels, dry erase markers, individually wrapped snacks (nut free) and sidewalk chalk.
Check with your child's teacher for other items needed for the classroom.
Additional Information
Sedge Garden offers two Exceptional Children Pre-K classrooms for students with disabilities who are three and four years old. Services are based on the individual child's needs and are provided in the classroom where teachers and therapists work collaboratively. Please contact Blanche Stevens at the WSFCS Preschool Intake office for more information 336-703-4199.