
Sherwood Forest Elementary School


Visual Arts and Science


Sherwood Forest Elementary provides a stimulating and nurturing educational environment, which advances the process of life-long learning by fully engaging students, teachers, parents and the community alike.  The strengths and talents of each student are recognized and developed in an atmosphere where diversity is respected and encouraged. 


The vision of Sherwood Forest is to develop students who strive for academic excellence and are responsible members of their community, prepared to meet the challenges of an increasingly competitive global environment.  

Sherwood Forest Elementary School offers 21st century programs in science and visual arts, providing a stimulating and challenging environment for eager young minds.  Our PTA works diligently with our staff to provide resources for our media center, science lab, art and music studios.    We have created a student-centered environment that features interactive learning and teaching.  Our students are always among the best prepared participants at the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Science Fair and Art Exhibits.  We emphasize the scientific method so that students investigate and draw conclusions about real world problems.  In art, students use a variety of media to produce art work that has been displayed in exhibitions at SECCA, Wake Forest, and the North Carolina Art Museum in Raleigh.