Smith Farm Safety Patrol
Ms. Krebeck oversees the Smith Farm Safety Patrol team. Third, Fourth and Fifth Graders are allowed to apply to be a Safety Patrol officer with an application. The application must be filled out by the student wanting to apply and also has to have a letter of recommendation attached from a teacher or staff member at Smith Farm. It can be any Specialist, Teaching Assistant, Principal, Assistant Principal--anyone that works at Smith Farm that can provide the student with a positive recommendation. Once the application gets completed and letter attached, 3rd-5th grade students may turn them in to Ms. Krebeck. Not all that apply may get a position on Safety Patrol due to limited positions. There is a morning and afternoon team that help with the student traffic at arrival and dismissal, reminding students to walk in the hallway, helping students get to where they need to go, and helping with the overall AM and PM process to make it run smoothly.