About Parkland
As you may be aware, Parkland is an authorized IB Middle Years Programme school and offers the Middle Years Programme to our 9th and 10th grade students.
Part of the programme requires that many classes are taught yearlong, on an A/B day schedule. That means that students will have eight classes all year, every other day. The students will go to four classes per day. This applies to all the core classes and electives that they will take.
Thank you so much for your support of the IB MYP programme for our students. It is an exciting opportunity for your child to prepare them for college, work, and life beyond high school. If you have further questions, please do not hesitate to contact the appropriate guidance counselor, Ms. Willams (9), Ms. Campbell (10), or the IB MYP Coordinator, Ms. Pidgeon.
If you are interested in being a part of the MYP and have not talked to Ms. Pidgeon, please contact her as soon as possible to get your classes scheduled for the upcoming school year.
Parkland Philosophy and Mission statement
Vision Statement
The mission of Parkland Magnet High School will be realized by building a community united in a quest for knowledge and purpose that values diversity and individuality, emphasizes integrity, respect, responsibility and accountability, and equips students with skills for the 21st Century and for success in a global society.
We believe that all students are capable of tackling higher-level opportunities that will enable them to fully participate in such a complex society.
We believe that learning with the head and heart allows for students to engage in experiences that provide foundations for academic success, innovative thinking, social and civic responsibility, and transformative leadership.
We believe that, in order to meet students’ needs, we must reach beyond the educational environment, connecting resources and expertise of the community to enhance and deepen learning.
We believe that educators are facilitators of learning, creating varied ways for students to take responsibility for their own life-long learning and thinking, for the life and career path they choose.
We believe that our work collectively is vital for student success, academically and personally.
**Adapted from mission statement created by Caitlin Boone and Heather Purvis, June, 2016