School Improvement Plan

Our current School Improvement Plan is located in the Indistar/NC Star system. This is a web based tool that guides our school improvement team in charting improvement and managing the continuous improvement process. To access the plan, please use the information below. 

Guest Login: GuestS16213

Guest Password: GuestS16213

 When you log in to Indistar, you will see a quick snapshot of our Mission, Vision and School Goals. 

You will find the most recent detailed version of our plan by clicking on the Comprehensive Plan Report tab.

The School Improvement Team (SIT) meets once a month and consists of the following members:

Samantha Manring - Principal

Lynelle Williams - Assistant Principal

Lauren McKeown - Instructional Facilitator

Mary James - Instructional Facilitator

Lauren Abernethy - ESL Teacher

James Brown - MTSS Coordinator

Sam Zivin - School Social Worker

Ali Esparza - School Counselor

Valerie Crumpton - EC Teacher

Erica Ball - Kindergarten Teacher

Kassie Floyd - 1st Grade Teacher

Sandra Castro - 2nd Grade Teacher

Hannah Bryan - 3rd Grade Teacher

Evelyn Bernal - 4th Grade Teacher

Diane Collins - 5th Grade Teacher

Mary Bosco - Teacher Assistant

Anna Layton - Media Coordinator

Valerie Tuffet - OTES Parent

The SIT team will meet on the following dates at 3pm in the Media Center during the 2024-2025 school year:

August 7

September 16

October 15

November 25

December 9

January 13

February 10

March 17

April 14

May 12