Create a Parent Canvas Account!
Log into your Parent Canvas account here
A Parent Canvas Account will allow you to be an "observer" in your student's class. Then, you are able to...
See your student's daily assignments
Email their teachers (without having to know their email addresses)
From the mobile app: get alerts when your student's grade drops below a certain grade point average
Watch the short, video tutorial here. There are also instructions below.
1) Have your student create a "Pairing Code" by following these easy steps.
Log into their student Canvas account.
Click "Account" on the left.
Click "Settings".
Click "Pair with an Observer".
Write down this code. (You will need this code when you create your account. Be sure to copy it correctly. The capital letters & lowercase letter are important.)
2) Then, you may create an account. Look for the words "Parent of a Canvas User? Create Account" when you Click here.
This is where you will create a username, password, and enter the student's pairing code.
Click "Start Participating".
Note: If you have multiple children, you can become the observer in all of their classes. However, EACH student must create their own pairing code for you to use.
3) To add additional children to observe:
Log into your parent account
Click "Account" on the left (or the 3 lines at the top if you're on a mobile device)
Click "Observing"
Enter the student's pairing code
Click " +Student"