Moore Bus Arrival and Departure Times
Check your student's bus assignment 2024-2025 WS/FCS Transportation Portal
Bus Portal Information: Edulog Phone Application (Here Comes The Bus)

Dear families,
We are excited to share our new district-wide bus expectations at Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Schools. Riding the bus is an important part of the day for many students, and we want every ride to be safe, respectful, and pleasant. To support this goal, we are introducing WS/FCS R.I.D.E.S., which will be introduced to students and their families in the next few weeks.
“R.I.D.E.S.” stands for Responsibility, Integrity, Discipline, Excellence, and Safety—five core values that align with the WS/FCS Code of Character, Conduct, and Support. These principles encourage students to build positive relationships, uphold high standards of behavior, and take accountability for their actions.
Here is what WS/FCS R.I.D.E.S. looks like on the bus:
Responsibility: Arrive at the bus stop on time, follow the driver’s instructions, and keep the aisles and exits clear for everyone’s safety.
Integrity: Use kind words, speak at an appropriate volume, and respect others by keeping devices on low volume or using earbuds.
Discipline: Save food and drinks for after the ride, and keep the bus free of harmful items like vaping products or substances.
Excellence: Treat the bus like an extension of the school. Stay in your seat, face forward, and help keep the space clean.
Safety: Keep hands, feet, and belongings to yourself, ensure all body parts remain inside the bus at all times, and keep dangerous and harmful items off the bus.
By practicing these values, we can ensure a smooth, safe, and positive experience for everyone on board.
Your student will learn about WS/FCS R.I.D.E.S. at school in January. You will also receive a follow up email from the district with a parent video and release form for you to sign to say you understand the expectations.
Thank you for supporting us as we work together to make WS/FCS R.I.D.E.S. a part of every day journey. If you have any questions, please don’t hesitate to reach out.