24-25 PTA Board
Latasha Scott- President 336-701-7807 scottlatasha@gmail.com
Amelia Spencer- VP 336-749-9433 spenceramelia12@gmail.com
Chris Ward, Secretary chris@wardlawnc.com
Patrice Hayes, Treasurer pdhayes@wsfcs.k12.nc.us
Alyssa Squire – Fundraising Chair alsquire@wsfcs.k12.nc.us
The PTA helps keep our school EXCITING! PTA sponsors our school's special events and helps with the funding of curriculum, Teacher Grants, PBIS incentives, and much more. Your membership dues help fund these important assets for our school and your volunteering makes these special events happen! PTA also hosts fundraisers to fund school-wide improvements such as playground modifications and upkeep of school inside and out. PTA helps build and support connections between families, students, and staff to create an inclusive community. The PTA will hold monthly meetings at the beginning of the year and then quarterly meetings to keep everyone informed.
August 29th - PTA Opening Meeting / Title 1 Curriculum Night
Dr. Marckel announced that we sold over $16,000 and surpassed our total from last year from the Double Good PopCorn Fundraiser. Great job!