Middle College of Forsyth is a unique magnet high school for juniors and seniors who are mature, self-motivated and eager to learn in a college setting. We offer academically challenging curriculum in a small, nurturing environment, and we are the high school for students who are ready for what comes after high school.
Are you ready for a different high school experience?
We have approximately 120 students in grades 11-12 coming from schools across Forsyth County.
We have an average class size of 18 students.
Access to college level classes.
Free college tuition and books.
Can still participate in extracurricular activities like dance, marching band, sports at your residential school.
If so, Middle College may be the place for you. Please click here to complete the Google application. Please follow the steps on the "How Do I Apply" page. If you have any questions please call Mrs. Hartis at 336.734.7437.
We look forward to meeting you!