Frequently Asked Questions
What are the school hours?
Any student that arrives at 7:55am or after must be escorted into the main office by a parent or guardian for sign-in.
Can/How do I change my child's transportation?
For temporary changes, please send a written note to school with your child. We do not accept changes of transportation via phone calls/emails.
For permanent changes, please contact our Assistant Principal, Samantha Fitzgerald, at (336)703-4224.
When does my child have lunch?
Lunch times vary amongst teachers and grade levels. Below is a list of each teacher and their lunch times!
Bear: 10:30am-10:55am
Dolge: 10:35am-11:00am
Joyce: 10:40am-11:05am
Scott: 10:45am-11:10am
Sanchez: 10:50am-11:15am
Schwartz: 10:55am-11:20am
Guevara: 11:00am-11:25am
Hughett: 11:05am-11:30am
Neibart: 11:10am-11:35am
Palmer: 11:15am-11:40am
Russell: 11:20am-11:45am
Sparks: 11:25am -11:50am
Matthews: 11:30am-11:55am
Meadows: 11:35am-12:00pm
Rempfer: 11:40am-12:05pm
Sidden: 11:45am-12:10pm
Breasure: 11:50am-12:25pm
Chandler: 11:55am-12:20pm
Harp: 12:00pm-12:25pm
Long: 12:05pm-12:30pm
Miller: 12:10pm-12:35pm
Apostolides: 12:15pm-12:40pm
Huppert: 12:20pm-12:45pm
Gallagher 12:25pm-12:50pm
Ray: 12:30pm-12:55pm
Flynt: 12:35pm-1:00pm
Smith: 12:40pm-1:05pm
Nikolaidis: 12:45pm-1:10pm
Norman: 12:50pm-1:15pm
Still: 12:55pm-1:20pm
Wuwert: 1:00pm-1:25pm
Are Birthday Celebrations Allowed?
At this time, birthday celebrations in the classroom/cafeteria are not allowed, but you are more than welcome to come eat lunch with your student. (You can find your student's lunch time listed above.)
What if my child requires medication during the school day?
If your child needs medication throughout the day, a parent or guardian will need to come to the school to administer the medication or if you would like an administrator, or the school nurse to give your child medication, please visit the front office for a medication form that will need to be completed by your medical provider.
What do I need to do if I must pick up my child early from school for an appointment?
If you need to pick your student up early, please visit the main office for check-out. Please also be advised that dismissal starts at 2:25pm, therefore we ask that any check-outs are completed before 2:00pm. If you arrive to pick up your child from the main office after 2:00pm, you may be asked to return to your vehicle and pick your child up at dismissal time via the car-rider line.
What do I need to do if my child is absent from school?
If your child is absent, please send a note when your child returns to school explaining their absence. If you would like any classwork for your child to complete during their time out of school, please contact their teacher directly. All teacher's emails can be found under the "Faculty" tab.
Can I volunteer in my child’s classroom?
Of Course! However, in order to volunteer in any school activates (i.e. classroom activities, field trips, etc.) you must first be registered as a volunteer, and have completed the Volunteer Orientation with our Volunteer Coordinator, Mrs. Fitzgerald. To register as a volunteer, or to renew your volunteer status, please visit WSFCS Volunteer Registration Login ( .
Please also be aware that as a new volunteer, it takes approximately 14 business days for your application to be processed, and if you would like to maintain your volunteer status, this information must be updated yearly.
Can/How do I request Educational Leave?
Educational Leave for students is permitted, for up to 5 days each school year. In order to request educational leave, please submit an Educational Leave Form (Located on the Home Page of the school's website) 2 weeks prior to your requested day(s).
Who do I contact to update address information, name spelling, and/or emergency contact information?
To update contact/address information, please call our school at (336)703-4224, and request to speak to our Data Manager, Gail DuBose. Or visit the main office.
How can I contact my child's teacher?
There are multiple ways to contact your child's teacher. You can find their email under the Faculty Tab, or call us directly. Many teachers also communicate via Class Dojo or Remind. If you are not already signed up for Class Dojo or Remind, please email the teacher to get set up!
Can I request a specific teacher for my child?
We do not take specific request, but parents or guardians can send an email to the principal about their child's interests and learning style.