New Student Registration

If you are registering a new student to Hanes Magnet School, please read the following student enrollment guidelines:

The Hanes Magnet School Student Services Department must receive and review ALL completed required documents before a student can be officially enrolled in school. The counselors must also contact the student’s former school for additional information prior to enrollment, if needed. The Student Services Department will contact the parent/legal guardian by phone when the student can report to school. These guidelines apply to the online student enrollment process as well.

[El Departamento de Servicios Estudiantiles de la Escuela Magnet de Hanes debe recibir y revisar TODOS los documentos requeridos completados antes de que un estudiante pueda matricularse oficialmente en la escuela. Los consejeros también deben comunicarse con la escuela anterior del estudiante para obtener información adicional antes de la matrícula, si es necesario. El Departamento de Servicios Estudiantiles se comunicará con el padre / tutor legal por teléfono cuando el estudiante pueda presentarse a la escuela. Estas normas también se aplican al proceso de matrícula de estudiantes en línea].

Step One: 

Read and provide the following documents needed to enroll:

Step Two:

Complete the required registration paperwork.  You can complete paperwork in one of the following ways (select one):

(Preferred Method) 1. Stop by Hanes Magnet School and pick up a registration packet.  Return the completed registration packet and all required documents (Step 1) to Hanes Magnet School Student Services.

Or 2. Download the registration forms (9 pages below + 1 grade level registration card).  Return the completed forms (front and back) and all required documents (Step 1) to Hanes Magnet School Student Services.

Or 3. Complete all registration forms online using the WS/FCS link below.  All required documents (Step 1) will need to be submitted to Hanes Magnet School Student Services.