Student Services

Welcome to our Student Services Page!

¡Bienvenidos a la Página de Servicios a los Estudiantes!

Here you will find all the information high school students need grade by grade. Just click on one of the tabs to find the services we provide. 

Aqui encontraras toda la informacion por grado. Presiona los anuncios para ver todos los servicios que ofrecemos.   

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Student Services Staff

Dean Orfanedes -Counseling Director

Candace Shaw - 9th Grade Counselor

Shawn Smoot - Freshman Transition Coordinator

Gloria Calabro - 10th Grade Counselor

Kindra Ritzie - 11th and 12th Grade Counselor for Last Names A-L

Nakisha Ingram - 11th and 12th Grade Counselor for Last Names M-Z

Sandy Derrah - Registrar

Nakeeba Orr - Student Services Clerk

Deborah Sutton - Academic Coach - Credit Recovery Coordinator

Alma Coles - Career Development Coordinator

Maribel Cabrera de Rojas - Parent Involvement Coordinator