Tardy and Attendance Policy

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East Forsyth High School Student Attendance Policy

There is no substitute for uninterrupted personal contact between teachers and students in the classroom environment where learning experiences are carefully planned by the teachers. Even though students may make up class work missed because of absences, they may never be able to replace the educational, cultural and social contacts which they would have experienced through face-to-face instruction and class participation.  Students with good attendance generally achieve higher levels of learning than those with poor attendance. 

The East Forsyth High School community recognizes, however, that students miss school because of illnesses and other excused reasons.  Students should follow defined procedures for bringing notes to excuse their absences.  Students are required to collaborate with their teachers on making up missed assignments after returning to school from an absence in a timely manner.

In order for the absence to be coded as an excused, students who miss school should bring a note upon their return to school from a parent/guardian or a physician. Students will have up to 4 days to turn in a note after their last absence day. Failure to turn in a note before the deadline will result in an unexcused absence. If there is a need for a prearranged absence, the parent/guardian must obtain prior approval from the principal in order for the absence to be excused. School Board Policy AR 5110 defines reasons for excused absences. In addition, School Board Policy AR 5124 explains the criteria for exam exemptions.

Students who accumulate (excused or unexcused) 10 or more absences in the course (all quarters) will be assigned an administrative F for that course. Please note that a grading period is defined as the combined quarters the student is enrolled in the course.

Once a student is assigned an administrative F, the student must complete the following in order to redeem credit for the course:

-The student must make up time for any absences accumulated beyond 4 days per grading period or beyond 9 days cumulative for the course.

-Make up time will consist of at least 45 consecutive minutes per period absence.

-It is the student's responsibility to coordinate the make-up time with the teacher during times when the teacher is available.

-Saturday school will be available for students to make up time.

Once a student has accumulated 10 absences for the course, student parking will be revoked for that student. Parking privileges may be reinstated if the above stipulations are met.

If a student is assigned an administrative F, the student, along with parents/guardians, may appeal the decision to the Principal. The Principal's decision may be appealed by the parents/guardians in accordance with the WS/FCS Board Policy 5145.

In addition, students must maintain good attendance in order to be exempt from exams. The chart below notifies you of the requirements for exam exemptions.

-Grade of A with no more than 5 unexcused absences.

-Grade of B with no more than 3 unexcused absences.

-Grade of C with no more than 0 unexcused absences.

If in a school year, if you are late every day by

You would have lost approximately

Or you would have missed approximately

5 minutes 

10 minutes

15 minutes 

20 minutes

30 minutes

3.5 Days from School

7 Days from School

10 Days from School

14.5 Days from School

22 Days from School

18 Lessons

35 Lessons

50 Lessons

73 Lessons 

110 Lessons