Strategic Plan 2025-2030
Phase I: We Listen
Throughout this school year, the Winston-Salem/Forsyth County Board of Education and staff are developing the district's 2025-30 Strategic Plan, guided by dedication to student success and shaped by community input. This plan will set the long-term vision, goals, and strategies for improving student achievement across the district.
We want to hear from YOU! As we consider the district’s priorities and focus areas for the next 5 years, we seek the input and feedback from all invested stakeholders. Regardless of your affiliation with WS/FCS, we want to listen to your hopes, dreams, and suggestions for how the district can improve!
To ensure the plan reflects the needs and strengths of our community, we invite you to share your insights through this initial round of input.
Your response will remain completely anonymous. Your input is vital and will shape our efforts moving forward. Thank you for helping us create a plan that truly represents our shared vision for success!
Phase II: We Connect
In the upcoming weeks, we will be drafting a first version of the strategic plan incorporating the feedback from Phase I: We Listen. As we synthesize the priorities and input of the community, we will continue to focus on our priorities:
Student Engagement: Academics, Well-Being, Student Voice & Choice, School Climate & Culture
Staff Engagement: Recruitment & Retention, Professional Development, High Quality Employees, Career Advancement Opportunities, District Culture
Support Systems Engagement: Transportation, Technology, Finance & HR, Facilities & Infrastructure
Community Engagement: Communication, Choice & Options, Collaboration, Workforce Development
Once the draft plan is complete, we will make it available to the public and offer a wide range of options for providing feedback and reactions, including virtual and in-person opportunities.